Notts. Presidents Friendly Match 18th Sept 2016

A lovely sunny afternoon for bowling enjoyed by everyone. The winners were the Notts. Presidents team, winning 100 points to 90. the afternoon ended with a “spider” which was won by Roger Smith. The buffet was a great success. Sincere thanks must go to Pat Jones for her supreme baking prowess and to Marilyn, Glenys and Audrey (L to R in the photo) for their hard work in producing the buffet and serving teas, selling raffle tickets etc, and also to Norman for minding the bar. The green will remain open for the next week and the Tuesday afternoon roll up will be held outdoors, as usual, for the last time this season.

The club will be holding a Christmas social event on Friday the 25th November when all members and partners are invited so please put the date in your diaries. Short mat bowling commences on Tue 27th. September.
Thanks to all who enjoyed their bowling this summer especially to those who competed in the club competitions and league matches. To all the new members, we hope you enjoyed your membership and look forward to you putting your names on the team sheets next year especially the “Friendlies” and the Saturday League.