Presentation Day Sat. 14th Sept 2019
Club Chairman Tony Williams presented the trophies at our Presentation Day prior to which the members enjoyed a "Round Robin" bowling session in glorious sunshine followed by a splendid buffet with bar provided by our President, Bob Reeves of The Plough, Farnsfield. Stan Chadwick presented a commemorative plate to Ivy Senior to mark the tremendous work she had carried out as secretary over the many years. Her contribution to the club over the years has been immense and much appreciated by all.
Tom Howell Trophy, Drawn 2 Wood Pairs :
Winners Ian Boothroyd & Ross Munro
Clarrie & Ivy Jennings Cup, 100 up Singles:
Winner Geoff Allen
Finalist Paul Ritchie
Eric Thomas Trophy, Veterans 4 wood Singles:
Winner Ross Munro
Finalist Paul Ritchie
Alf & Hazel Stringer Cup, Open 4 wood Singles:
Winner Tom Fleming
Finalist Paul Ritchie
Stan Chadwick Trophy, Never Won Singles:
Winner Trevor Gregg
Finalist Dennis Bingham
Gladys Haywood Trophy, Married 2 wood Pairs:
Winners Audrey & Tony McGrath
Finalists Jan & Trevor Gregg
Rose Bowl
Winner Barbara Tantum
Finalist Audrey McGrath
Wm. Murdoch Gents 2 wood Singles:
Winner Paul Ritchie
Finalist Des Skillington
Jack Grainger Trophy, Mixed 4 wood Pairs:
Winners Janet Boothroyd & Clive Catlin
Finalists Barbara Tantum & Bob Senior
Gents 2 wood Pairs:
Winners Paul Ritchie & Steve Lester
Finalists Ray Des Skillington & Pete Smith
Australian Pairs
Winners Paul Ritchie & Wilson Bradley
Finalists Andy Fry & Marcus Coulam
Tuesday Roll Up:
Gents, 1st Gordon .Nobbs, 2nd Rae Robertson, 3rd Roger Swain
Ladies, Joint Winners Ida Mills, Julie Parry & Shirley Shepherd
Village Match
Winners Farnsfield St.Michaels School