Club Constitution 2022


(Updated November 2022)

The club shall be known as the Farnsfield Bowling Club (the Club)

2. AIM
The Club exists to promote and provide facilities for the amateur sport of bowls in Farnsfield and the surrounding area.

Membership of the Club is open to anyone interested in the sport, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, or other beliefs. Any person wishing to join the Club shall apply on the official form. All members below the age of 18 years shall be classed as Junior Members and shall hold free membership, but not have voting rights. Non-members may attend three sessions without payment but should adhere to the rules for members during that time. The Committee may expel a member for conduct or character likely to bring the Club into disrepute. The member may appeal against such expulsion to a panel of three other members appointed by the Chairman.

The Club shall be managed by a committee comprising the Officers: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to twelve other Club members. The Committee shall meet on a monthly basis, where possible. Official communications by any member of the committee to all club members shall be by email to those members who have provided an email address and a notice with the same message will be posted on the external club noticeboard. It is the responsibility of all members to inform the secretary should they change their email, phone number or address.

The Secretary shall seek nominations for the committee at least six weeks before the AGM. Each new nominee shall have a proposer and seconder and his/her consent must be obtained. Nominations shall be submitted to the Secretary at least three weeks before the AGM. In the case of unfilled vacancies, nominations may be received at the AGM. In the case of excess nominations, a secret ballot shall be taken at the AGM.

The AGM shall be held as soon as possible after the 31st October each year. The Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice of the date and time of the AGM to all members. At least 15 club members shall be present to form a quorum. The purpose of the AGM is to: a. elect Officers and members of the Committee for the following year b. receive reports and audited accounts c. consider proposals put forward by members

An EGM may be called by any five members of the Club giving prior written notice (letter or email) with reasons, to the Secretary. The Secretary will then arrange an EGM as soon as possible, giving at least 14 days’ notice to members. At least 15 members shall be present at an EGM to form a quorum.

Annual subscriptions and competition fees shall be fixed at the AGM. All subscriptions must be paid at the commencement of each season. Any member whose subscription has not been paid by the 31st May each year shall be removed from the register of members. At the discretion of the committee, new members joining after 31 May may be offered a reduced subscription for that year only. All lapsed members must apply to join the Club in the same way as new members. All surplus income or profit is to be reinvested in the Club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties. At the committee’s discretion, members may be appointed to the positions of President, Vice President and Honorary Life Member. There will be no membership cost to these people and no responsibilities will be held by them or duties required of them.

9. JUNIOR SECTION (under 18 years)
This shall be managed by a sub-committee comprising a coach, a Child Protection Officer and volunteer helpers. Each junior will be registered with the Club as a member after appropriate “parental consent and contract” forms are completed.

The members may vote to wind up the Club provided that at least three-quarters of members present at a properly convened AGM or EGM support the proposal. After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following: a. another club with similar sports purposes which is a registered charity b. another club with similar sports purposes which is a registered Community Amateur Sports Club c. the Club’s governing body

Any amendment(s) to the Constitution shall be made only after such amendment(s) have been passed at an AGM or EGM by a majority of the members there present.

Any questions of dispute arising and not provided for in these rules, should be communicated in writing (letter or email) to the Secretary. It shall then be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.