Notts. Presidents Friendly Match 18th Sept 2016

A lovely sunny afternoon for bowling enjoyed by everyone. The winners were the Notts. Presidents team, winning 100 points to 90. the afternoon ended with a “spider” which was won by Roger Smith. The buffet was a great success. Sincere thanks must go to Pat Jones for her supreme baking prowess and to Marilyn, Glenys and Audrey (L to R in the photo) for their hard work in producing the buffet and serving teas, selling raffle tickets etc, and also to Norman for minding the bar. The green will remain open for the next week and the Tuesday afternoon roll up will be held outdoors, as usual, for the last time this season.

The club will be holding a Christmas social event on Friday the 25th November when all members and partners are invited so please put the date in your diaries. Short mat bowling commences on Tue 27th. September.
Thanks to all who enjoyed their bowling this summer especially to those who competed in the club competitions and league matches. To all the new members, we hope you enjoyed your membership and look forward to you putting your names on the team sheets next year especially the “Friendlies” and the Saturday League.

Click here for photos

Presentation Day Sept 17th 2016

The day was very well attended and 24 members competed for a new trophy in the Drawn Pairs 2 Wood Competition. The trophy was donated and presented by Mrs Catherine Howell, widow of the Late Tom Howell a past member and Treasurer of the club. Thanks must also go to Tim Howell who took all the photos.
Club President, Bob Reeves presented the remaining trophies as well as providing the refreshments and food for the buffet.

Click here for results and photos

Village Match 4th Sept 2016

What a difference a day makes! Yesterday the weather did everything it could to disrupt play. Today it was a wonderful day, lots of sunshine and happy bowlers.

The annual Village Match proved to be a success yet again. 14 teams from 10 various Farnsfield Village organisations came together for a fun afternoon of bowling, keenly competed. The eventual winners with a score of 13 points were the History Society comprising of David Milnes, Sue Cole, Roger Swain. Jen Paige and Ron Hawkes. Congratulations to them.

I would like to point out that in accordance with rule 27 para 13 sub section 21 of the Club Constitution, “snogging” is not allowed on the green (Barbara and Clive take note) also the wearing of County Honours on their blazers is only allowed on those that have actually earned them Barbara.

The day raised a grand total of £171 which was presented to Peter Teather for the Community Responder Scheme. Thanks to all who took part and I hope that next year will see you all competing again.

Click here for photos

Club Finals 3rd Sept 2016

The weather was awful but the bowling was superb. Unfortunately not all matches were played due to the heavy rain but all should be resolved before Presentation Day when all the winners and finalists will be listed. The photos speak for themselves, note the wet weather gear, compulsory dress for the day. Thanks to Ron Wright for organising the day and to all who turned up.

Click here for photos

County Pairs Championships

Congratulations to Paul Ritchie and Dave Callow in winning the prestigious “Queen of the Midlands County Pairs Championship” at Teversall. A superb solid silver trophy. What a fantastic result for them and a great advert for the club. Well done Dave and Paul.